N. Korea slams US test launch of Minuteman III ICBM
Spread your wings and fly brother youre finally free.
Several companies moved to foreign countries to seek new business opportunities.one day after North Korea destroyed the liaison office in Kaesong.
in the first inter-Korean summit in 2000.he thought the opening of an inter-Korean liaison office could eventually lead to the resumption of a joint factory park.and the joint factory park in Kaesong could resume in the not-too-distant future.
The 71-year-old went to a bank to demand a rollover of his loan worth 2 billion won.Kim also almost built a shop near the customs.
there is no ground to place optimism on Kaesong.
according to the unification ministry.North Korean First Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui.
which persists in the hostile policy toward the DPRK in disregard of the agreements already made at the past summit? Choe said.the North rather has been backing away from the dialogue and has been ratcheting up military threats.
Is it possible to hold a dialogue or have any dealings with the U.Her statement is believed to a part of Pyongyangs measure to ramp up pressure on Washington ahead of a visit of U.