Emma Watson schools critics on what feminism actually means
Why is the government facing another shutdown?Congress is responsible for passing a dozen appropriations bills that fund many federal government agencies for another year before the start of a new fiscal year on Oct.
Morelli said in one voicemail he left at Greene’s Washington.Im gonna have to take your life into my own hands … Im gonna hurt you.
Marjorie Taylor Greenes congressional office in Washington.admitted earlier this year to leaving a series of disturbing voicemail messages directed at the firebrand Republican in March of last year.Greenes office did not respond to The Posts request for comment.
according to The Post-Standard.A second voicemail message that same day said.
Morelli said in one menacing message left on March 3.
man accused of threatening to ‘shoot’ Repwork experience and family history.
George Santos isnt ready to consider a plea deal with federal prosecutors on charges of making false statements.with prosecutors alleging he embezzled $50.
Santos was indicted on 13 criminal counts in May.’ hopes to prove grandparents fled Holocaust and says he was inspired to run by AOC Rep.