Here's a handy Mad Libs script to help you through your Congress-calling jitters
10 sensors in the small town of Makawao.
5 The slide is the centerpiece of Boston City Hall Plaza’s $95 million renovations.Youre on the internet forever coming down a slide like a f–king can of Diet Coke out of a vender machine? How do you set foot in the precinct? another joked.
A laughing onlooker can be heard asking why the slide was so fast.5 The viral video has been viewed millions of times across social media platforms.John Wilcox/City of BostonSeveral other videos online show adults making the descent anyway with similar results as the police officer.
5 The officer was injured but “is fine.and should only be used by children ages 5 to 12.
can be heard from inside the twisted tube before the cop suddenly appears at the opening of the slide feet first on his stomach.
the stunned cop says as he slowly gets to his feet before the clip cuts off.but argued DePape had to be acquitted because the charges of attempted kidnapping of a federal official and assault of a family member of a federal official have to be linked with Pelosis official duties and not just political reasons.
Testimony in the case wrapped up Tuesday.Jury begins deliberations in federal trial of David DePape in attack on Paul Pelosi Jury begins deliberations in federal trial of David DePape in attack on Paul Pelosi 02:18 Jury deliberations were underway Wednesday in the federal trial of David DePape.
California Congressman Adam Schiff.explained former federal prosecutor Anthony Brass.