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or object that varies in observed brightness over time.
George Santos should end this farce and resign immediately.and staff about his background and experience.
Santos criticized the Ethics Committee for releasing what he said was a biased report and continued to defend himself from the allegations of wrongdoing.and then diverting that campaign money to himself; and using connections to high-value donors and political campaigns to obtain more money for himself.The full ethics panel unanimously voted to refer the evidence of Santos alleged violations to the Justice Department.
His conduct is not only unbecoming and embarrassing.comprising two Republicans and two Democrats
They made three approaches and left after 5 mins without doing any damage.
has recorded hundreds of interactions between the species and boats in recent years.The committee said in a statement announcing the release of its findings that the investigative subcommittee tasked with examining allegations of misconduct by Santos unanimously concluded that there was substantial evidence that he knowingly caused his campaign committee to file false or incomplete reports with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
A fundamental tenet of government service is that public office is a public trust.But a group of his fellow New York Republicans renewed the effort to expel him in October after he was hit with more charges accusing him of stealing campaign donors identities and putting thousands of dollars in unauthorized charges on their credit cards.
comprising two Republicans and two Democrats.That vote fell short of the two-thirds majority needed to oust a member under the Constitution.