Ota, Yamabe to Be Recognized by Cold Tofu
eliciting laughter and applause from the student audience.
3 Coach Vince Villanueva said he didn’t know why the father attacked him but remembers the team was losing ahead of the beat-down that knocked him out.“Allow them to do their job and just make it a fun environment for them.
I said ‘Are you okay?’ And he said.He was subbing in for a coaching friend during the scrimmage with the Northern Virginia Soccer Club at George Hellwig Memorial Park when he was attacked.Fox5DCSome off-duty cops who were at the game were able to move the children a safe distance away and calm the situation.
DC-area station he didn’t know why the father attacked him.swollen and bruised and he had cuts on his nose and face as he spoke to Fox5 on camera Monday.
“Kids have enough stress in life with everything else in the world.
‘Coach can I talk to you? And then everything went downhill from there.And I found that when I meet people.
Weve been living out the story.Kris Armstrong and her then-husband.
the Brandon she knew was gone.but I wanted to take care of him.