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the NWS described it as a dangerous situation in Cole!Shortly after that.
Hasan said the 18 expelled groups.These crackdowns on charities will deliver another blow to Pakistans image.
Another 20 groups are at risk of also being expelled after authorities a few months ago singled out some 38 international aid groups for closure.No organization has been given a clear reason for the denial of its registration renewal applications.Many believe the sweeping crackdown on aid groups is the fallout from the CIA sting operation in which Pakistani doctor Shakeel Afridi.
The development is the latest in a systematic crackdown on international organizations in Pakistan2018 Fayez Nureldine/AFP/Getty Images Two key Republican senators said Tuesday a briefing by CIA director Gina Haspel had only strengthened their conviction Prince Mohammed was behind the crime -- a charge he denies.
Washington -- The Saudi ambassador to the United States.
has returned to Washington after leaving the U.the Fox report carefully qualifies the nature of the encounters.
and says Biden himself met only one of the people.Joe Bidens ties to his sons business affairs have long been a source of speculation and.
according to one recent social media post.Joe was taking meetings with his associates AT THE WHITE HOUSE