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which account for more than half of U.
including a failed missile launch.saying dialogue is only possible if the North changes its hostile attitude.
President Moon strongly condemned the launch.told the Associated Press that Sundays launch may have been of a new mobile.saying that North Korea was carrying out its missile test as scheduled regardless of the possibility of the resumption of inter-Korean dialogueWeve seen North Korea deliberately escalating tension in the region in its past brinkmanship to see how its counterparts react.
The president made it clear he will deal sternly with any provocations.but added his government would deal sternly with the Norths provocations to ensure that the reclusive state does not make a misjudgment.
Our military is maintaining a full readiness posture.
Some speculated that Pyongyang was taking a jab at inter-Korean policy and the Seoul-Washington alliance under the Moon administration.South Korea has been informed only of the fact that the North Korean missile was detected over the phone and through word of mouth.
a key ballistic missile technology the North is reportedly struggling to achieve.including the radar and interception missile launchers.
suggesting that it was a new type of intermediate-range ballistic missile.The South Korean military has said that the descending rate of the Hwasong-12 missile was somewhere between Mach 15 and 24.