Rudy Giuliani Selling Sandals Online Sparks Widespread Mockery
As they returned from that mission.
Gaspar said the slayings likely have something to do with his investigative activities.head of the groups Europe and Balkans desk.
He focused mainly on tax evasion.PRAGUE -- A Slovak investigative reporter and his girlfriend were shot dead in their home in an attack likely linked to his reporting on tax evasion.23 million to anyone who helped the authorities find the people responsible.
The reporter said he filed a complaint with police and alleged they failed to act.Fico announced his government was offering $1.
Police went to the house at the request of a worried family member.
especially as he and those close to him had been threatened in recent months.many with horrific memories of seeing loved ones slaughtered or of surviving gang rapes.
everyone having a cheap smartphone and access to Facebook.publication:{@type:BroadcastEvent.
com/hub/i/2018/02/23/207d1c98-7684-4654-a710-716400fe1632/rohingya-bkgd.And he casts a wary eye toward the future.