‘Manzanar Fishing Club’ Screening at UCSB
with an average discount of 26% across the stores.
in which Netanyahu is accused of passing regulations that gave his friend.benefits worth over $250 million to his company Bezeq.
breach of trust and accepting bribes in three different scandals.The indictment throws the countrys paralyzed political system into further disarray and threatening the long-time leaders grip on power.Harow is a state witness in this case.
lashing out against the media.Capping a three-year investigation.
Two close aides to Netanyahu turned states witness and testified against him in the case.
The indictment does not require Netanyahu to resign but is expected to raise pressure on him to step down.telling reporters in the capital that his government is expecting more arrivals of Honduran and Salvadoran migrants deported by the U.
The latter option was the one taken by the Honduran asylum-seeker on Thursday morning.All the immigration courts along the U.
to Guatemala back to their homes countries.Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers will determine whether migrants who claimed fear of persecution whether at a port of entry or after crossing the southern border illegally will be subject to the agreement with Guatemala and face deportation there.