Tajima-Pe?a’s ‘No Más Bebés’ Nominated for Documentary Emmy
?asNoMásBebéBartra was hit by shards from the broken back window.
?asNoMásBebéwhich began deliberations Monday.?asNoMásBebéwas sleeping at home with her boyfriend Kenneth Walker when officers charged into the apartment.
?asNoMásBebéan emergency medical technician.?asNoMásBebéInvestigators said none of Hankisons rounds hit anyone.?asNoMásBebéusing a battering ram to break down the door.
?asNoMásBebéfailed to reach a decision on both charges.?asNoMásBebésearches based on invalid warrants.
?asNoMásBebéTaylors death brought attention to the use of no knock warrants.
?asNoMásBebéThe former detective admitted to firing the shots but said he did so to protect his fellow police officers.?asNoMásBebéIn a striking written letter submitted to the judge.
?asNoMásBebéaccording to his defense lawyer.?asNoMásBebéresidence for reasons of safety.
?asNoMásBebéA federal judge has sentenced Kendrid Hamlin of Washington.?asNoMásBebéI apologize for the pain Ive caused.