Taiko Gathering Sunday at JACCC Plaza
the White House announced on Tuesday.
“Hinazuru Sambaso” (Nagauta) with Bando Hirosuzu.“Tsuri Onna” (Tokiwazu) with Bando Mitsuhiro.
Bando HiromiyaThe Nihon Buyo Kai of California is pleased to announce virtual autumn Japanese classical dance performances from Oct.org/virtual-dance-program/) and is presented by Nihon Buyo Kai.will be hosted free of charge on the website (https://nihonbuyokai.
Due to the current climate of social distancing and safety precautions.whose mission is to present and promote Nihon buyo.
“Seigaiha” (Kiyomoto) with Wakayagi Hisame.
and whose dream was to promote Japanese dance throughout the U.theyre trying to keep our schools from teaching black history.
know that theres an oasis here in the Midwest here in the state of Illinois to protect their health and their reproductive rights.but I intend to serve out my term as Governor of Illinois.
Theres a Texas judge who may soon decide a case that could revoke the approval of the abortion pill which is the most common kind of abortion in this country.theres a lot I want to get to with you on the other side of this commercial breaks up.