Forever 21 apologizes for using white model to sell ‘Black Panther’ sweater
Naydich told the station that she wants Depa sentenced to a maximum of 30 years behind bars for the stomach-churning incident that left her physically and emotionally broken.
Depa pleaded guilty to the attack last month.“I want to make sure he is not able to walk the streets freely.
a severe concussion and hearing loss.a lot of my injuries that are not visible I’m going to have for the rest of my life.David Tucker\News Journal / USA TODAY NETWORKDepas attorneys have highlighted his mental deficits and argued he wasnt competent to stand trial before Perkins rejected the argument before his plea.
he attacked Naydich from behind.Naydich told the station that she wants Depa sentenced to a maximum of 30 years behind bars for the stomach-churning incident that left her physically and emotionally broken.
chucking her to the floor and raining down kicks and punches to her back and head.
Depa wasinitially charged as a juvenilein the case before the raps were upgraded.a condition that shares symptoms with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
But it said nearly 88% of them were convicted because of a prior felony conviction.Sometime after her son shot his teacher.
Defendants in the lawsuit are the Newport News School Board.Her attorneys said Taylor was a victim of domestic abuse and had experienced several miscarriages and postpartum depression.