A suddenly orphaned teen is being kicked out of his grandparents’ retirement community
and then he was suspected of being close to ultra-nationalist Turkish groups and accused of infiltrating Frances Kurdish community from late 2011 onwards.
after Tuesdays pro-Israel rally.Palestinian Ambassador to the U.
with the other dozen council members voting in favor.two-thirds of them women and minors.humanitarian agencies and their partners.
The 12-0 vote was not unanimous.It makes no mention of what led up to this moment.
have been killed since the war began.
Israel will continue acting according to international law.Linda Thomas-Greenfield acknowledged the loss of 101 U.
Terrorists continue to lob bombs into Israel.Our people have no food or clean water.
with the other dozen council members voting in favor.CLARY/AFP via Getty Images The councils resolution is disconnected from reality and is meaningless.