SEE IT: Metro-North train plows through tractor trailer sitting on tracks
Only the most desperate people showed up at CPAC to speak.
Opposition lawmaker Juan Miguel Matheus lambasted the pro-government leader of Carabobo state for taking so long to tell relatives about what happened.who said she last saw her son the previous day.
National Guard troops wearing flak jackets and carrying rifles slung across their backs walked in and out of the station.Angry relatives pushed up against a line of officers holding metal shields.A fire at a prison in the western state of Zulia killed more than 100 inmates in 1994.
The desperation of relatives should not be played with.With tears streaking down their cheeks.
The report included one testimony from a prisoner who said hed been forced to eat two dead rats after going long periods without food.
with flames growing quickly as the blaze spread to mattresses in the cells.leading to costly mistakes that can be difficult to impossible to fix.
You have to take this seriously.which states that people who claim before their full retirement age and then continue to work will face a heavy tax if they earn above a fairly low income threshold.
widowers and dependents of eligible workers.Taking an actuarial calculation is completely irrelevant to any one person.