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The host leader emphasized that Vietnam is Irelands leading trade partner and that there is still ample room for cooperation between the two countries; acknowledged Vietnams proposal to accelerate the ratification of the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) to expand cooperation and investment opportunities between the Vietnamese and Irish business communities; and wished that Vietnam will facilitate Irelands export of high-quality agricultural products and food products.and resolve conflicts by peaceful measures on the basis of international law and the basic principles of the United Nations Charter.
Lam expressed his wish that Ireland will continue provide development assistance for Vietnam in the prioritized fields such as green growth.and promote their role as a bridge for the friendship between Vietnam and Ireland.The two sides welcomed the establishment of a strategic partnership on higher education between the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training and the Irish Department of Further and Higher Education.
They advocated ASEANs stance on the East Sea issue in terms of ensuring peace.They called on all sides to protect civilians.
and settling disputes by peaceful means on the basis of respect for international law.
the two leaders consented to intensify the exchange of delegations at all levels.a seminar will be held to introduce book series entitled History of Vietnam in pictures.
further investigations are being conducted to handle the case according to the well as those towards the homeland.
continues to provide financial and medical support for the victims.they had a working session with the Vietnamese Embassy in Mexico and laid a wreath at the monument to President Ho Chi Minh at the freedom park of ethnic groups in Mexico City.