Ghislaine Maxwell Jailed for 20 Years After Grooming Girls for Epstein
said the United States is running out of time when it comes to North Korea and that pre-emptive war is becoming more likely as the countrys weapons technology matures.
observe or touch it has increased over the past three years.and the orcas ended up attacking his vessels rudder.
Im pretty sure that rattling the hull by playing full volume east European thrash metal.including the Strait of Gibraltar where orcas sank a yacht in a 45-minute attack last month.sailors are swapping ideas of the best methods to save themselves from experiencing such events.
Why are killer whales attacking boats?It remains to be seen what exactly is causing the increase in orca attacks.In a Facebook group of more than 59.
which was 2 or 3 minutes into the music.
There are a number of examples where boats have stoved or hit whales in the Mediterranean and off the coast of Spain.George Santos should end this farce and resign immediately.
I think he would enter a plea of guilty and work out the best deal he can with the Justice Department.King said he thinks that Santos either resigned or was expelled now.
The bipartisan Ethics Committee confirmed what most New Yorkers knew months ago: George Santos is a total fraud who stole an election to get to Congress.during and after he was in Congress.