Pa. ‘Town That Garbage Built’ can be yours for $1.5M
She was set to graduate from Golden Gate University School of Law this year.
and Hunter held a 10% stake in BHR through at least part of his dad’s first year as president.House Republicans already have issued an array of demands to executive branch agencies relating to Joe Biden’s involvement with first son Hunter Biden and first brother James Biden’s international dealings — in many cases setting September deadlines that could soon escalate into litigation.
11 Then-Vice President BIden vowed to withhold funds from Ukraine unless prosecutor-general Viktor Shokin was removed from office.and funding sources for Joe Biden’s roughly $1 million pay for an alleged “no-show” job at the University of Pennsylvania after his vice presidency and the costs of his ritzy DC office provided by the school.Hunter flew toRomaniaon Nov.
an impeachment inquiry would give congressional investigators greater legal authority to access Biden family financial records and to go to court to enforce subpoenas for records held by the executive branch.reportedly bought one of Hunters works.
11 Joe Biden is referred to as the “big guy” in emails from Hunter’s laptop with business associates
It’s unclear how much he received for his stake or from whom.a 40-year-old mother of two who is running in a hotly contested race to represent the states District 57.
the Washington Post first reported.Facebook / Susanna GibsonThe state Republican Party and House Speaker Todd Gilbert did not immediately respond to The Posts request for comment on Tuesday.
Owen told The Post in a statement.called “hotwifeexperience.