‘Music Behind Barbed Wire’ at CSUDH
They operate American-made MaxxPro armored fighting vehicles.
allegedly?DAVID MARTIN: Thats what hes credited for.But they were surprised when the Russians put up no resistance.
And I think the drop from 50 to 25.corrupt organization that the United States correctly treats as a transnational criminal organization.hes certainly a known quantity.
MARGARET BRENNAN: This was great to have your analysis and your reporting.now that country is pretty much viewed as a vassal state of Russia.
we turn to CBS News National Security Correspondent David Martin and former U.
with their nuclear arsenal is very dangerous.fathers and other relatives wondering if their loved ones were among the 12 Pakistani nationals who Greek officials say were pulled out of the water alive.
Pakistan has arrested several alleged human traffickers and their agents.The migrants had been flown legally to Dubai.
Nasir Mehmood / AP Another 193 Pakistani families have already been DNA-tested to match with the remains of victims found.000 per person to illegally take the Pakistani nationals to Europe across the Mediterranean from Libya a dangerous sea crossing that has become busier as European nations have worked to seal their land borders.