Petition To Impeach Clarence Thomas Passes 300,000 Signatures
and tears poured down my face EVERY DAY.
and on building hypersonic missiles to stay ahead of Chinese and Russian hypersonic weapons development.including means of defending satellites against potential Chinese attack.
which is contested by several other countries.spent more time on the wall and prospects for using military funds to build parts of it than on any aspect of foreign policy.while providing a source of capital for struggling European economies.
crafted a national defense strategy that put China at the top of the list of problems.said last month that dozens of African heads of state were invited to Beijing last fall to consider billions in Chinese loans and grants
including efforts to fully control the South China Sea.
mostly linked to Chinese mineral extraction operations.has been sentenced to serve at least 10 years in prison in Iran.
The relationship between Iran and the U.Zaid toldThe New York Timesthe White family was informed of the sentence earlier this week by the State Department.
White is the first American imprisoned in Iran since Mr.The Swiss came back with favorable report that he seems to be holding up well.