US imposes sanctions on 5 North Korean entities over recent ICBM tests
co/MjZpRVLYcf Samantha Power (@SamanthaJPower) September 28.
a 2022 ruling in the 9th circuit opened the door for survivors after the court found that sexual assault was not a incident to military service.This change comes after years of pressure on the military from Congress and victims advocates to take commanders who may have a bias in whether a case goes forward out of prosecutorial decisions for major crimes.
Stockin would not have been in a position to sexually abuse me and other patients.Article 32 preliminary hearingThe Article 32 preliminary hearing.Lawyers representing former patients of a military doctor at the center of a widening sexual assault case say they have filed five new federal civil complaints against the Army and the Defense Department Monday for failing to protect them from abuse.
Experts and advocates who work with survivors.The Article 32 process has been scrutinized in recent years for functioning as a rubber stamp.
I think its a missed opportunity.
The Army declined to respond to the defenses claims.But the congressman announced he would not be seeking reelection in 2024.
though they were payments for his own benefit; reporting fictitious loans to his political committees to push donors for further contributions to his campaign.and then diverting that campaign money to himself; and using connections to high-value donors and political campaigns to obtain more money for himself.
denounced the committees report in a statement to CBS News.falsifying campaign finance reports.