North Korean projectile launch deemed a failure: South Korean military
It gets the job doneflat out.
The judges decision matched a requested sentence by prosecutors.Judge Shawn Showers ticked through 25 factors he had to consider before issuing his sentence of life with a 25-year minimum.
but Showers noted the teen is a smart person who could easily have stopped it from being carried out.but because of their age they were not subject to an Iowa requirement that those convicted of first-degree murder serve a mandatory sentence of life without parole.where they covered it with a tarp and placed the wheelbarrow and a railroad tie over the tarp.
The couple had three children.Goodales lawyer had said he should be sentenced to life with no mandatory minimum sentence before he is eligible for parole.
arguing on your behalf to escape punishment for this horrific crime.
What Ive taken can never be replaced.I am humbled yet again and reminded that I am human and I have flaws.
blasted the committees report in a statement to CBS News.and used campaign funds for personal uses.
moments after the House Ethics Committee released a blistering report that found substantial evidence of wrongdoing.aggravated identity theft and credit card fraud.