‘Allegiance’ Musical Coming to Aratani Theatre in 2018
is fighting his extradition to the United States
George Santos should end this farce and resign immediately.he feels it would not have a major issue by the 2024 election.
Congress did what it had to do.or they should remove him from Congress.The House must use our Constitutional expulsion powers.
during and after he was in Congress.I believe this is long overdue.
voted for his expulsion believe he needs to be removed from Congress.
I think he would enter a plea of guilty and work out the best deal he can with the Justice Department.But in recent weeks it has been ravaged by fires that are threatening its iconic wildlife.
Climate conditions have only made things worse.but these days they have enormous clouds of smoke billowing over them.
Nearly one-third of the park has been hit by fires in the past month.ROGERIO FLORENTINO/AFP/Getty Elsewhere.