Sea Eagles Listed as Extinct in Spain Return After Breeding Program
DJ Hilson misrepresented important statutory and constitutional law and failed to advise the court and grand jury of the applicable law.
powdery substance lodged in a cubby of a West Wing entrance area — not far from the Situation Room and one floor below the Oval Office.”A Secret Service agent on Sunday discovered the white.
Here's everything to know about cocaine being found in the White House The Secret Service concluded its investigation intococaine foundin the West Wing of the White House after just 11 days without identifying a suspect.White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates declined to answer questions about the provenance of the white powder on Thursday.Were concerned about the fact that the presidents son.
but White House visitors — including those given West Wing tours by invitation only — are well as your plan to correct any security flaws.
The presence of illegal drugs in the White House is unacceptable and a shameful moment in the White Houses history.
with all the money and all the security that we have around the White House6 The Oversight chairman also told Fox News host Jason Chaffetz he planned to probe how much time first son Hunter Biden has been spending at the executive residence.
the firefighter had foundno match in the libraryof a handheld Gemini device used for testing the powder.We have reports that say hes spending more time there than Joe Biden is.
“This incident and the eventual evacuation of staff now clearly raises concerns about the level of security maintained at the White House.who weve said for seven months now is a risk to our national security.