Trump Family Testimony: Key Questions for Ivanka, Donald in Civil Case
5% in favor of the deal as early Thursday.
who has been leading the coalition campaign in Yemen.Save the Children said Thursday the cost of basic food items such as flour.
The assault to retake rebel-held Hodeida first began in June.Yemeni officials said Wednesday that reinforcements had arrived in tanks and armored vehicles provided by the United Arab Emirates.and European arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
have been facing an international outrage over the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi earlier this month inside the Saudi Consulate in Turkey.Kashoggis slaying has also sparked widespread condemnation of the crown prince and marred his international standing after Turkish reports alleged that a member of his entourage was involved in the killing.
Wednesdays strike comes amid mounting fears of a fresh coalition assault on Hodeida - a city that has been the lifeline for international aid deliveries to Yemen.
The Saudi-led coalition recently sent reinforcements to Yemens west coast for what many fear would be an intensified battle for Hodeida.Prominent opposition figure Ilya Yashin received 8 1/2 years in prison on similar charges.
who was charged with spreading false information about the Russian army.and late October 2023 for speaking out or demonstrating against the war.
Petersburg in April 2022 and charged with spreading false information about the military after replacing price tags with ones that decried Russias invasion of Ukraine.Some 400 people were hiding in it from the shelling.