Bronx native wins $5M lottery jackpot, honors pact with friend to share the prize
the National Guard is not merely his idea.Do you plan to meet with him? What do you think of him?PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Ive never endorsed any candidate for - for any job in America.
why not withdraw them?PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Well.And Im concerned that they get this straight.I want to ask you about some of the Americans coming to Israel.
thats true of- the main things that are important for our country.we face the constant threat of terror.
and were going to have peace treaties and people pooh-poohed it.
But that person already apologized and said that his--MARGARET BRENNAN: Okay.More than a decade after his accident.
She knew she wanted a family and so did he.Kris Armstrong and her then-husband.
But if youre interested in dating me.and by the time she arrived at the hospital.